Brazilian collaborations in the spotlight

Brazilian collaborations in the spotlight

Several studies by the ISD team on the functional properties of protein ingredients derived from resilient Brazilian plant sources have recently been published, illustrating the fruitful international collaborations established with Brazil over the last few years.

The long-standing collaboration between the BIA unit's ISD team and the University of the State of São Paulo (UNESP) was recently honoured with the defence of a co-supervised PhD (Adilson Locali Pereira) and three publications on the purification, composition and functional properties of protein ingredients obtained from sustainable and resilient crops: sorghum and pigeon pea.sur la purification, la composition et les propriétés fonctionnelles d'ingrédients protéiques obtenus à partir de cultures durables et résilientes : le sorgho et le pois d'Angole.








Many thanks to Vânia Regina Nicoletti, Thais Benatti Gallo and Adilson Locali Pereira for this fruitful collaboration.

See also