

The shaping and behaviour of composite materials (Design of macroscopic objects using 3D printing - Incorporation of pickering emulsions).

The development and deconstruction of solid foams (Starch-based solid foams as a cell support for bone regeneration - Construction and deconstruction of extruded protein-based foods).

Assessing the overall quality of foods and materials (Data analysis, physical modelling or knowledge integration - Identifying starch products with desired degradation properties).

In this folder

The development of biopolymer materials with targeted porosity using digital modelling and additive manufacturing (3D printing) is a major challenge for the production of ‘made-to-measure’ devices that meet personalised needs.

The aim of this project is to manufacture a potato starch material loaded with phase change materials (PCMs) in order to obtain a ‘packaging’ capable of protecting its contents from external heat.

We are conducting research on starch-based solid foams as cell supports for bone regeneration in collaboration with the Inserm B3OA laboratory. The aim is to design the structure of these foams for the controlled release, in the presence of enzyme, of the glucose required for cell growth as a function of the density and porous structure of the foam, the crystallinity and the amylose/amylopectin ratio of the starch.

The aim is to design new foods that satisfy a compromise between consumer acceptability and nutritional and digestibility characteristics.

Our team uses experimental approaches coupled with modelling based on data analysis, physical modelling or knowledge integration to assess quality.

Medium throughput methods coupled with multivariate analysis can be used to identify starch products with the desired degradation properties.