Research projects

Research projects

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The ARSENE project is a collaborative project involving several activities of the Terrena cooperative group, together with 4 partners: Biolie, Terres Inovia, Institut de l'élevage and INRAE, with the support of the France 2030 plan. ARSENE aims to develop the cultivation of lupins in France to improve the protein autonomy of farms and regions.

An ambitious collaborative project supported by the French government as part of France 2030 to develop innovative solutions and products (pea and faba bean varieties, protein ingredients, plant-based alternatives to cheeses and plant-based desserts) and to create a solid, sustainable French industry.

The JACK project is funded as part of the ‘Legume Proteins’ call for projects and the ‘Sustainable and healthy food’ acceleration strategy of the France 2030 plan. JACK aims to encourage the adoption of pulses by consumers, chefs and farmers alike.

Connect Talent aims to support the installation and anchoring of internationally renowned scientific leaders in the Pays de la Loire region. The VESTA project is based on an integrated, multi-scale approach, which will focus on controlling the microstructure of food emulsions in order to improve the functionalities of targeted components, of plant origin and minimally processed, and guarantee the physico-chemical stability of the foods produced in this way in a more sustainable way.

The European project FLAT BREAD MINE: Flat Bread of Mediterranean area; INnovation & Emerging process & technology is a European project funded under the PRIMA SECTION 1 (IA) Call for Projects Valorising the health benefits of Traditional Mediterranean food products. It aims to re-explore and optimise the potential of traditional ‘flat breads’ in a number of countries around the Mediterranean.

The LETSPROSEED project is financed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (French National Research Agency) as part of the 4th Future Investment Programme, with the aim of developing legume acreage in France. It is coordinated by UMR Agroécologie in Dijon and involves several BIA teams.