Launch of the SAMS PEPR in Nantes

Launch of the SAMS PEPR in Nantes

On 12 February this year, the Food Systems, Microbiomes and Health Priority Research Programme (PEPR) was launched, co-directed by Inserm and INRAE and financed by France 2030 as part of the national acceleration strategy for sustainable, health-promoting food.

The launch of this major national programme took place at the Institut de recherche en santé - Nantes Biotech (Inserm/Nantes University) in the presence of Philippe Mauguin, CEO of INRAE and Didier Samuel, CEO of Inserm.

To mark the launch, a tour of the cytometry platform and the technical imaging platform was organised. Hervé Blottière (PhAN) and Marie Bodinier, head of BIA's allergy team, presented their work in relation to the PEPR's priorities.