New ANR ARCANA project

New ANR ARCANA project

Uncovering the Allergic Potential of Hemp Seed, an Emerging Food Ingredient

The National Research Agency (ANR) recently awarded the Allergy team a grant for a research project on the potential allergenicity of hemp seed. As hemp seeds become an increasingly popular ingredient in our diet, the allergy risks associated with their consumption are still unknown. This project will work closely with the Allergy Unit of the Angers Hospital to apply our research from the laboratory to patient care.

Hemp, known scientifically as Cannabis sativa, is increasingly used in a variety of products, including food. This increase in its use has highlighted a problem of interest: some people develop allergies to different parts of the plant.

The main goal of the ARCANA project is to better understand the allergy risks associated with the consumption of hemp seeds, now and in the future. Two specific points will be analyzed:

  • The risk that consuming hemp seed poses to people who are already allergic because of cross-reactivity.
  • The risk that the consumption of hemp seed will cause new hemp-specific allergies is a phenomenon known as de novo sensitization.

This information can then be shared with consumers (including those with allergies), healthcare professionals and food manufacturers to inform them of the allergy risks associated with hemp seeds.

The ARCANA project involves both the Allergy team, which specializes in food allergies, and the ISD team, thanks to their expertise in protein purification.

Project Synopsis:

Start Date- Project End Date: 01/11/2024 - 01/04/2028
Coordination: Name of project leader and coordinating entity: Wieneke Dijk, INRAE-BIA
Partners/entities involved: CHU d’Angers (department of allergology), INSERM-TENS laboratory
BIA teams involved: ALL, ISD
Funding Type: ANR JCJC

Contact :  Wieneke Dijk