What are the role of microplastics in the health effects of environmental contaminants?

Our lifestyle is the source of many long-lived physical and chemical contaminants, to which the population is chronically exposed, and whose synergistic or additives effects on human health are currently largely unknow. BIA, IRSET, Laberca, IsoMer, Opaale and Soleil synchrotron join their effort in the project PLAPOTEMIX to understand the role of microplastics as vectors of contaminants by seafoods and humans.


PCB: polychlorobiphényles, PAH: hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques, PFAS: substances perfluorés, As: arsenic, Pb: plomb, Cd: cadmium

Human activities are the source of numerous contaminants (microplastics, polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - PAHs, perfluorinated substances - PFASs, arsenic As, lead Pb, cadmium Cd).

The Allergy team is involved in: 1) analyzing interactions between microplastics and other contaminants (physico-chemistry), 2) understanding transformations in the gastrointestinal tract and 3) analyzing the effects of contaminant cocktails on the development of allergies. 

Project overview

  • Start date- End date: 01/01/2025- 31/12/2028
  • Coordination: Name of project leader and coordinating entity: Marie-Hélène Ropers, INRAE-BIA
  • Partners/entities involved : LABERCA, ISOMER, IRSET, Soleil, OPAALE
  • BIA teams involved : ALL
  • Type of funding: ANR PRC (Contaminants, ecosystems and health)

Contact :  Marie-Hélène Ropers, Grégory Bouchaud