A chimeric antibody to assess the allergenicity of functionalized glutensns fonctionnalisés

A chimeric antibody to assess the allergenicity of functionalized glutens

A chimeric IgE (mouse/man) specific for deamidated sequences has been developed and its ability to classify the allergenicity of deamidated glutens has been demonstrated.

Partners: Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

National Institute of Health Sciences, Science Food Institute, Tokyo, Japan

Publication: O. Tranquet , J.-C. Gaudin, S. Patil, J. Steinbrecher, K. Matsunaga, R. Teshima, S. Sakai, C. Larré, S. Denery-Papini (2017). A chimeric IgE that mimics IgE from patients allergic to acid-hydrolyzed wheat proteins is a novel tool for in vitro allergenicity assessment of functionalized glutens. PlosOne https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0187415

Patent EP2961769 A1 protects the INRA-DG1 antibody and its chimeric version.