JACK-Just Adopt pulses from Cook to forK

JACK-Just Adopt pulses from Cook to forK

The JACK project is funded as part of the ‘Legume Proteins’ call for projects and the ‘Sustainable and healthy food’ acceleration strategy of the France 2030 plan. JACK aims to encourage the adoption of pulses by consumers, chefs and farmers alike.

Pulses, a source of vegetable protein, are under-consumed and under-produced. JACK aims to promote them from the plate to the farm, using an original gastronomic approach capable of magnifying the products and promoting them in highly creative and innovative ways. This approach will enable consumers to enjoy multi-sensory experiences that are likely to bring about changes not only in terms of the image of pulses, but also in their behaviour at home.

Similarly, the identification of different culinary techniques for enhancing the value of pulses will enable us to measure the functional advantages of pulses, which are not well known. To date, their diversity has been little studied and undesirable criteria such as anti-nutritional factors have been explored more than desirable functional properties, and more often as a replacement for meat or dairy products. Similarly, little attention has been paid to the impact of agronomic and soil/climate factors on seed quality. At the same time, an environmental assessment of production and processing will be developed.

The aim of JACK is to remove a number of obstacles: to identify the levers for action to bring about a sustainable change in dietary behaviour, to measure the link between the quality of pulses and their culinary functions by identifying physico-chemical variables, to identify the agronomic and varietal factors influencing culinary quality, and to quantify the environmental impact of production and processing, in order to maintain environmental benefits throughout the processing chain. The project will begin with the creation of innovative recipes by chefs and the collection in the field of a wide variety of samples of dried vegetables with a known technical itinerary. The recipes will be simplified into model foods, used to assess culinarity, and in parallel developed and industrialised. New ingredient and product concepts will be co-designed with chefs and consumers. Several behavioural change factors will be tested in cohorts.

The ultimate aim is to add value to pulses through diversification, with a positive environmental impact. This project will contribute to the necessary transition towards healthier, more sustainable food for our planet.

The JACK project, led by the Grappe laboratory at ESA Angers, brings together scientists and professionals from across the industry (16 partners in all, including 2 laboratories and 14 companies and technical centres).

The BIA unit (teams BIBS, ISD, MC2 et PVPP) is coordinating work package 2 on food science and will host a thesis and a post-doc.

Illustration JACK

Les 16 partenaires du projets

Partenaires JACK

A project funded by aid managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the France 2030 programme.

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