The aim of the SOLUSERRE project is to develop a formulation for the manufacture of accessories for market gardening, tomato or cucumber cultivation, using biodegradable materials that can be composted at home.

The SOLUSERRE project (Development of biosourced and biodegradable products for growing tomatoes and cucumbers in the Pays de la Loire region) is being led by INRAE - the French research institute for agriculture, food and the environment - in partnership with the Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (IRDL) in Lorient. Its aim is to contribute to the development of an eco-industry for growing tomatoes and cucumbers by seeking a technical solution that is low in carbon emissions.

More specifically, the PVPP team at INRAE's BIA (Biopolymers Interactions Assemblages) research unit is designing a formulation that will enable the manufacture of market gardening accessories (‘bouquet holders’ and clips for growing tomatoes and cucumbers) from biodegradable materials that can be composted. The accessories currently used are made from petro-sourced materials and are considered to be ordinary industrial waste, requiring end-of-life treatment. The ERDF project will co-finance the research team (3 research engineers and 2 assistant engineers) in charge of the SOLUSERRE project over the period 2019-2023.

Projet Soluserre
Tiges de tomate au moment où la serre est vidée et où le matériel végétal à valoriser est récupéré © INRAE
  • Start-end date: 2019-2023
  • Type of funding: ERDF
  • Total budget: €226k
  • Partners involved:
    • French Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE)
    • Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (IRDL) in Lorient.
  • Project leaders: Estelle Bonnin and Johnny Beaugrand, INRAE
  • BIA team involved: PVPP