7th Forum on Science and Technology, the Environment and Sustainable Development

7th Forum on Science and Technology, the Environment and Sustainable Development

The 7th Science Forum was held on 26 and 27 April in the Dervallières valley. It was an opportunity for CM1/CM2 pupils from École George Sand to showcase a project they had carried out in collaboration with scientists from the Unit during a workshop entitled: ‘CHICHE? Discovering the proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and fibres that make up our food’.

What is the Science and Technology and ESD Forum?

This event is organised by the Education Department of the City of Nantes and the Main à la Pâte pilot centre (LAMAP 44), in partnership with the Education Department.

Accompanied by scientific experts, children (from GS to CM2) get together to share their experiences of science and sustainable development. Far from a competitive spirit, this day like no other gives young and old alike the chance to share and present their projects and work carried out during the year in the form of fun workshops.

The 7th Science Forum attracted more than 500 participants on Friday: 15 classes from kindergarten to CM2, 5 after-school clubs, 20 scientific, educational and community partners and 60 accompanying parents. Through workshops, the pupils discussed and experimented with the projects they had carried out during the year. Electricity, travel, astronomy, mechanics, food, biodiversity, waste, renewable energy, water, air... a whole host of themes were explored!

The INRA Centre Pays de la Loire, through its BIA Unit, took part by accompanying pupils and meeting with teaching teams in partnership with SEQUOIA, the Science and Environment Unit of the City of Nantes and other institutional, scientific and community partners.

A workshop entitled ‘CHICHE? Discovering the proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and fibres that make up our food’ was led by pupils from École George Sand - CM1/CM2 accompanied by Adeline Boire and Rémy Cochereau.

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