Research Passport 2016 - 2017

Research Passport 2016 - 2017

During the 2016-2017 school year, Adeline Boire participated in the "Research Passport" operation with a first class S of the Lycée David d'Angers.

This operation, organized every year by the SFR François Bonamy, allows to connect classes of high school students with research organizations that offer open topics of investigation.

The ISD team took up the challenge this year by proposing a theme around pulse proteins that was taken over by the first scientist class at the Lycée David d'Angers for a project entitled: 'A creamy chocolate mousse based on chickpeas: between nightmare and reality'.

The collaboration included a student visit to INRA, experiments and a day of restitution in front of all the classes participating in the operation.

The students' output was very rich:

  • a special issue of the Lycée newspaper on the students' project
  • an extension video on pulses
  • a teaching kit that will be developed in the future

Some photos to follow the thread of this operation:

Passeport recherche1
Exposé de présentation de l'INRA de BIA et des métiers de la recherche
Passeport recherche2
VIsite du laboratoire avec l'intervention de Thibault Loiseleux (doctorant).
Recherche participative pour trouver les paramètres optimums afin de réaliser une mousse au chocolat à partir d'une légumineuse.
Passeport recherche4
Intervention devant l'ensemble des classes participant au passeport recherche
Passeport recherche5
le 16 mai 2017 à la faculté de médecine d'Angers





This page opens up to new adventures next year on the theme: Towards a better value of pulses in our diet.