Resumption of science outreach activities for the 2018-2019 school year

Resumption of science outreach activities for the 2018-2019 school year

9 science outreach projects launched at the start of the school year

With the start of the new school year, the BIA unit is resuming its scientific outreach activities with pupils from primary to secondary school:

  • 1 project with Georges Sand school on the use of plant proteins in food (3 classes of CM1-CM2)
  • 2 projects with St Joseph de Vallet secondary school on bread and milk (1 class of 6ème)
  • 1 project with St Stanislas College on the use of proteins from rice cooking water (1 class of 6ème)
  • 2 projects with Collège Condorcet in St Philbert de Grand Lieu on bread and surfactants (3 classes of 6ème)
  • 1 project with Collège Hector Berlioz on bread (5 classes of 6ème)
  • 1 project with EREA La Rivière on baker's yeast (1 3ème class)
  • 1 project with Lycée Carcouet on milk fat (1 class of 2de)

These projects involve proposing experimental activities to pupils linked to BIA themes, using an investigative approach as practised by researchers. They are carried out over 3 to 7 sessions in one or more classes in schools in the Nantes region.
6th form at Saint-Stanislas secondary school in Nantes

Saint Stanislas 2018-2019
Saint Stanislas 2018-2019/2












Work at the Condorcet secondary school in Saint-Philbert de Grand Lieu for 6th year pupils

Projet pain Condorcet 2018-2019
Projet pain Condorcet 2018-2019/2