The BIA unit requested in the colleges

The BIA unit requested in the colleges

The unit participates in integrated science and technology education (IST) in colleges.

The unit has been active in schools for several years, in partnership with teachers, on topics covered in its research activities. Indeed, science/society interactions are part of INRA's core missions. These scientific mediation activities for school children are part of this. They also help to train future citizens who are able to make decisions and get involved in the major issues facing our society. Finally, they contribute, through approaches related to their daily lives, to restoring the taste of science to young people and why not provoke vocations.

The EIST, introduced in 6th grade classes, aims, through the investigative approach, to promote the decompartmentalization between the disciplines Physics-Chemistry, Life and Earth Sciences and Technology. This approach is ultimately very similar to the practice of scientists in their research. This is why many collaborations have been established with colleges since the introduction of this teaching. For the 2017-2018 school year, 3 schools of the Nantes Academy call on the unit to intervene with all their 6th grade classes. That's 10 classes, about 250 students.

Classe en EIST
Mot d'élève